The ReJuice project aims to establish sustainable and economically viable value chains by processing and utilizing the liquid fraction from green waste streams.
Within ReJuice, we see 4 major application possibilities for this juice:
generation of renewable energy through biodigestion
raw material for food and feed industry
development of new materials
and as a source of circular fertilisers.
Green waste liquid fractions, so-called juice, can be otbained from roadside clippings as well as other common green waste streams such as tomato stems, leek waste, flower stems and duckweed.
ReJuice stands for the reuse (Re) of liquid fraction of green waste streams (Juice), but also for a more efficient use of raw materials (Rejuice = Reduce). You can find more information about ReJuice on our project website. You can also find news and updates about the project on our ReJuice page on LinkedIn.